Monday, November 18, 2019

Task 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Task 2 - Assignment Example At least 4 % of residents in Australia are suffering from diabetes i.e. 990,000 people. However, the rate has risen by a rate of 1.5 from 1990 hence, the need to make it a national priority. Pregnancies that are associated with diabetes are 44,000 women between 2005 to 2007 thus associated complications. Risk factors include overweight and obesity while people suffering have increased chances of cardiovascular diseases. Many funds are spent in treatment. 1,507 million dollars were spent in treatment between 2008 and 2009 (Cunningham et al, 8). Mental health is a large cause of disability accounting for 24 % of total years lost due to disability in Australia and is becoming increasingly apparent. An estimation of 3.2 million people in Australia has a mental disorder aged between 16 to 85 years. The mental health services report provides recent information on characteristics and activity of mental health care services. The mental and palliative care is responsible for analysing and r eporting mental health care service information contained in reports. However, mental illness has been associated with dementia, cardiovascular disease and alcohol abuse (Tempier et al, 2009). Australian government health priorities for a nursing profession have the aim of improving the health care outcomes of all members in the country and ensuring sustainability of the health system by the implementation of the National Health Reform Agreement. A registered nurse ought to show competence at the work place with appropriate skills and knowledge. He should have the abilities of working interdependently and show responsibility and accountability for their practice. A nurse ought to respect all and should be well trained. In the study, mental health and diabetes are the identified government health priorities. However, these will have some implication on the nursing priority influence on healthcare delivery. Diabetes implications call for the development of sensitization

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